
In this Yellow Space, roundtable event for “Prism” about disability art will be documented. Below in the website, you can read the alternative text for the color Yellow.

ARKO Art Center has focused on the theme of “accessibility” as it explores practical changes to its exhibition planning and its operations as an art institution. Working with the Goethe-Institut Korea, it has organized opportunities to discuss and debate the visual arts and concrete methodologies related to matters such as “inclusive curating” and “policies and systems for disabled arts.” The latest online roundtable/webinar asks the question, “What constitutes inclusive curating in the contemporary era?” Bringing Korean and overseas experts in arts for disabled persons together with curators and administrators, it explores the development of inclusive exhibitions and collections, as well as related matters of museum administration, laws, and budgeting. The roundtable organized by Prism makes use of accessibility approaches such as Korean-English and sign language interpreting and real-time captions in order to provide a barrier-free experience in the online environment.

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Alternative text by “Rainbow-Making Wave”: Yellow

I can hear sweet young children playing. Those adorable little chicks are cheeping. I think of small, soft flowers.

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